The following announcement came from the Watertown Cultural Council:
Have a great idea for a public project in the arts, humanities or sciences but need some advice in turning your idea into a winning proposal?
The Watertown Cultural Council (WCC) will hold a public meeting on Zoom, Monday Oct. 3, 2022 at 7 p.m. for anyone interested in applying for a WCC grant.
We will answer your questions about writing the proposal and/or uploading the proposal onto the the Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) web site:
Join our Zoom meeting: Oct. 3 meeting at 7 p.m. Just log on:
Meeting ID: 820 9833 6596
Passcode: 045902
Completed online applications for 2023 WCC-funded projects or performances are due by 11:59 pm on October 17. Late applications cannot be accepted.It is not necessary to attend this meeting in order to submit an application. If you would rather email questions, please go to watertowncultural@gmail.com or access our website: watertownculturalcouncil.org