The first of two opportunities for the public to help shape the future of Watertown takes place Tuesday night at Watertown Middle School.
The interactive workshop about Watertown’s Comprehensive Plan Update will be held on Sept. 20, 2022 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Middle School, 68 Waverley Ave. A second meeting will be held on Sept. 29 at 6:30 p.m. at the Watertown Free Public Library (in the Watertown Savings Bank Room).
The Comprehensive Plan guides the future not just for economic development, but also for housing, transportation, open space and recreation, and sustainability. The original plan was adopted in 2015 and the City is updating it in 2022.
Watertown Assistant Director of Planning Gideon Schreiber said those attending the workshop will have the chance to learn about the plan, and give input in multiple areas. There will be four tables focused on different areas: land use, economic development, transportation, and open space and recreation.
“There will be opportunities to roam around, look at different tables and provide comments and thoughts, and learn about what’s going on,” Schreiber said.
See more about the Comprehensive Plan update on the project webpage. To register to attend the Sept. 20 or Sept. 29 meeting, click here. See documents from previous meetings on the Comprehensive Plan Update by clicking here.
Residents are also invited to take the Comprehensive Plan Mini Survey. Access the survey by clicking here and scrolling down.
The Current Plan
The plan was first approved in 2015, and among the visions in the plan was to create a mixed use area on the east end of Arsenal Street. This led to the creation of the RMUD (Regional Mixed Use District) where Arsenal Yards was constructed, and the planned redevelopment of the Watertown Mall is located.
The original plan also called for an update of the Pleasant Street Corridor District, the creation of a Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, and suggested that the City create a resilience plan, which resulted in the creation of the Climate and Energy Plan. It also highlighted areas for redevelopment, including the area of Galen Street near the MBTA’s Watertown Yard.
will there be an opportunity to tune in virtually? thanks
I asked the Planning Department and they said there is a remote option. They sent the following info:
The project page is http://www.watertown-ma.gov/com-plan
There is an events page: https://engagestantec.mysocialpinpoint.com/watertown-plan/watertown-plan-events/
On the events page there are the two meetings that you can pre-register for. They are on the right side of the page. There is a hybrid option for listening to the presentation, then the participant would interact with the virtual aspects on their own.