A community meeting will be held about the proposed project planned for the LINX campus on Arsenal Way, which backs onto Nichols Avenue in East Watertown.
Developers propose to build a four-story, 130,000 sq. ft. office or lab building next to the existing lab building. The new building would also have two levels of underground parking with 171 parking spaces. The new building would go on the surface parking area next to the existing LINX building and would be 83 feet tall (61 feet tall plus a 22-foot tall rooftop mechanical area).
The current LINX building has two stories of lab space with more than 92,000 sq. ft. of floor space.
The community meeting about the new building will be held on Thursday, Aug. 25, at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom.
The following announcement was provided by the developers:
Please join Columbia Massachusetts Arsenal Office Properties LLC for a review and discussion of conceptual plans and details for an additional lab/office building at the LINX campus, 490 Arsenal Way.
The proposal will add an additional research building to a vibrant campus with publicly accessible open space, and includes enhancements to community path connections. Plans of the proposed development will be available online on the City of Watertown’s website prior to the meeting.
We will be hosting an interactive meeting on Thursday, August 25, 2022 at 6:30 PM, and hope you will be able to join us for the presentation, and look forward to your comments.
For ease of access, the meeting will be conducted virtually via Zoom. Just prior to the start of the meeting, please access the link below to join via computer or mobile device. You may be instructed to download the Zoom application. The project team will also attempt to secure a live broadcast spot with local cable access TV. If no spot available, the project team will make the recording available through local cable access TV for on demand viewing.
Zoom Meeting info:
(Note: if typing, please use all lowercase) Or, head to https://zoom.us/join and enter
Webinar ID: 863 3711 7769
Passcode: 02472
Via telephone:
(301) 715-8592
Webinar ID: 863 3711 7769
Passcode: 02472
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