New Youth Engagement Specialist Joins Watertown Youth Coalition

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Watertown Youth Coalition Raphael Marinho joined the Watertown Youth Coalition as the Youth Engagement Specialist.

The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Youth Coalition:

Raphael Marinho is the new Youth Engagement Specialist at Wayside Multi-Service Center and will be working with Watertown Youth in two capacities: as the Watertown Youth Coalition Peer Leadership Advisor and will also be available to intervene with youth engaged in or at-risk for substance misuse. He will screen, assess, and refer youth to appropriate programs and activities that support their health and wellness.

Raphael immigrated from Brazil to get his college education in the U.S., where he studied psychology and acquired a master’s degree in Community Social Psychology. Through a work-study opportunity at an early literacy program, he found his passion for education and community work with at-risk youth and immigrant families.

His research focused on transformative and empowering educational practices and how best to combine theory with action. Another lifelong passion of Raphael is wellness work through martial arts, music, and meditation, and incorporating these activities in his community work.

Contact Raphael Marinho at 617-926-3600 or at Find out more about the Watertown Youth Coalition at

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