The City of Watertown announced the schedule for municipal facilities on the Fourth of July.
City officials sent out the following information:
Watertown City Hall, Library, and Senior Center, are closed on Independence Day, Monday, July 4, 2022. Have a safe and fun holiday!
Due to the holiday being on Monday, the trash and recycling pickup schedule shifts a day to Tuesday, July 5 through Saturday, July 9, 2022.
Learn more about Trash and Recycling here.
The measure of a community is its attention to cleanliness. And Watertown fails here. July 4, overflowing trash receptacles in Coolidge Square have been that way since BEFORE the long weekend. Walk by them and they stink! And, get a laugh when you notice the rat traps conveniently placed alongside them. I am quite surprised that Watertown Savings Bank did not take it upon themselves to empty the one in front of their Bigelow office. WSB takes meticulous care of their locations and certainly that trash bucket spilling over must cause them concern!? To the new city manager, drive around, take some notes and get people, who are on the citizen’s dime, to do their job.