City Hosting Walks & Bikes with Staff to Get Input to Shape Watertown’s Future

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Residents can join City staff on walks and bike rides around Watertown to take a look at the City’s major business areas, and get input about what they should look like in the future.

The information gathered will be used in the process to update Watertown’s Comprehensive Plan. The series covers a number of areas where development has and will continue to occur, including Watertown Square, Pleasant Street, Coolidge Square, and the bike path near Arsenal Street that runs through East Watertown to Fresh Pond.

Assistant Director of Planning Gideon Schreiber said the tours provide another way for people to give input on the Comprehensive Plan.

“I’ve been on the Live Well Watertown committee for 10 years, and we’ve done these walks and often times when I’m doing the walk with residents they have questions, they have ideas, they have thoughts, and we thought that it would be a good opportunity to mix it up and do something different,” Schreiber said.

The City hosted a public forum in May, and residents can also give input on the City’s website. See more information by clicking here.

The City of Watertown provided the following information about the walk and bike tours:

What is Watertown’s vision for the future and how do we get there? We need your help to create a meaningful Comprehensive Plan update that discusses critical issues facing our community. Join city staff for a series of 1-hour walks and a bike ride through Watertown to discuss your ideas for Watertown’s open spaces, transportation, and land uses. No registration is necessary but all walks and bike rides will start on time. In case of inclement weather, the walk or ride will be cancelled.

Friday, June 10, 2022, 12-1 p.m.: Meet at Howe Park (corner of Bacon Street and Pleasant Street) and walk to Paramount Place. We will stop periodically to talk about different features. There is parking on Bacon Street and nearby.

Thursday, June 16, 2022, 12-1 p.m.: Meet in front of City Hall (149 Main St.) and walk through Watertown Square to explore the South Side, looping back across the Charles River footbridge to City Hall. We will stop periodically to talk about different features. There is parking behind the Watertown Free Public Library and along Main Street.

Friday, June 24, 2022, 12-1 p.m.: Meet at Sullivan Park in Coolidge Square and walk Coolidge Square, looping back on Grove Street. We will stop periodically to talk about different features. There is parking behind the Coolidge School Apartments and in the Wells Avenue parking lot.

Thursday, June 30, 2022, 1-2 p.m.: Pack your bike helmet! Meet at the Irving Street pocket park and ride the bike path up Arsenal Street to the new Watertown-Cambridge Greenway, finishing at Fresh Pond in Cambridge. We will stop periodically to talk about different features. Bring your bike or bring your bike helmet and rent a blue bike nearby.

We look forward to walking (and biking) and talking about Watertown with you! Visit our webpage to learn more:

One thought on “City Hosting Walks & Bikes with Staff to Get Input to Shape Watertown’s Future

  1. Can anyone tell me where on Irving St the pocket park is? It’s the starting point for the June 30 bike ride.

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