The following information was provided by the Watertown Police Department.
May 14, 2:50 a.m.: An officer spotted a vehicle speeding while heading westbound on Mt. Auburn Street. The driver also swerved out of the travel lane a couple times. The Volvo SUV was clocked going 44 mph in a 30 mph zone. It then turned onto Irving Street and the officer put his lights on. The vehicle slowed, but then sped up and pulled into the garage at an apartment building on Arsenal Street. The officer followed and found the driver, who said he didn’t stop because he was close to home and figured he would just stop there. The officer detected signs of impairment including the odor of alcohol on his breath. The driver admitted to consuming alcohol before driving. He did not pass four field sobriety tests. Emrah Ozay, 32, of Watertown, was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and was cited for speeding and driving to the left of the center line.
May 9 11:45 a.m.: The School Resource officer at Watertown Middle School was told that someone vandalized the stair climber at Moxley Field. Someone spray painted explicit drawings on it. The Department of Public Works was notified and it was removed.
May. 11, 12:05 p.m.: The store manager of Best Buy reported a shoplifting incident from May 5. At about 3:40 p.m. that day a person came into the store and broke the lock on a glass case that houses drones. The person took two DGI drones, valued at $1,300 apiece, and walked out of the store. Then they lost sight of the person. It costs $700 to fix the case. The suspect is described as male wearing a light blue button-up shirt with an American flag across the shoulders, a Yankees baseball hat and jeans. Police are investigating.
May 11, 1:06 p.m.: A woman reported that someone used her bank card to make fraudulent purchases. She had lost her bank card and noticed 12 separate transactions on May 8 and 9 for $10.88 each for Microsoft Xbox items. She had lost her bank card. Her bank was notified and closed her account. The woman will be reimbursed for the losses.
May 11, 2:37 p.m.: Someone used a business’ credit card to make $5,680 in purchases between April 19 to May 9. The purchases were made in different locations, including the Logan Airport parking lot, a business in Weymouth, and restaurants outside of Watertown.
May 11, 10:17 p.m.: A resident of an apartment in Arsenal Yards reported a missing package. She ordered two pieces of clothing worth $130, and the package was confirmed delivered by FedEx on May 6. When she went to the mail room it was missing.
May 13, 3:16 p.m.: A resident of the Munger Apartments senior housing on Warren Street reported a stolen package. She had ordered a Black & Decker room fan, and it was confirmed delivered at noon that day. When she went to retrieve it, the package was not there. She suspects it was stolen.
May 15, 11:06 a.m.: A Phillips Street resident reported her car had possibly been vandalized. She parked on the street overnight and came out and found the front and rear driver-side tires were flat, and she saw a small hole in each one. She is unsure if she drove over nails or if it was done intentionally.
Why don’t the police set up “stings” to catch some of these criminals, particularly thiefs, porch pirates, and car crime criminals?