The City of Watertown will be updating its Comprehensive Plan. This document guides what the City will look like in future, and covers topics such as economic development, land use, and transportation.
The review will be an 18-month process that will be led by the Department of Community Development and Planning and a consultant team from Stantec in partnership with the Planning Advisory Committee.
The first public meeting will be in the Hosmer School Cafeteria, 1 Concord Road, on Thursday, May 19 from 7-8:30 p.m. It will be held live and on Zoom.
“This year, we are updating the city’s comprehensive plan which means that we want your feedback to plan for Watertown’s future,” said the announcement from the City.
City officials want to hear from Watertown residents, property owners, business owners, and workers.
Input on the plan’s various topics is sought, including: land use, transportation, economic development, open space and recreation, and others.
Register for the May 19 forum:
Eventbrite registration (in-person)
Zoom registration (online)
Follow the comprehensive plan update process online at https://engagestantec.mysocialpinpoint.com/watertown-plan
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“Planning to see what the city will look like in the future”???? Seriously? How can there be any more development in this small “city” without tearing down more single, family homes to replace them with $ million, dollar duplexes or erecting bio-medical facilities on what little vacant land that is left? People who grew up here and haven’t been back in 20 years, might be surprised if they drove down Arsenal or Pleasant streets. As far as “open space and recreation” goes, what we have is all we will ever have unless we invade Cambridge and take back what was once was.