Storefront Art Projects Works being installed at Storefront Art Projects for the exhibit Earth Day 2022L Time to Panic!
Storefront Art Projects in Watertown announced its latest exhibit opening on April 9. The gallery provided the following information:
The art of protest in the age of climate crisis curated by Niels Burger and Kevin Shanahan at Storefront Art Projects, 83 Spring St., Watertown, MA, April 9 to April 30, Opening Saturday, April 9, 1-4 p.m.
Hours: Thursdays and Saturdays 1-4 p.m. (closed April 16) and by appointment
Extinction Rebellion(XR) https://rebellion.global is a global environmental movement with a brand. They draw attention to the climate crisis, climate justice and ecological collapse through public acts of civil disobedience. XR uses specific colors, fonts and symbols in many different ways to creatively get the message across: Time is running out on us, mass extinction looms.

This exhibit features posters, banners and symbols from public demonstrations by activist artists and groups. Sophy Tuttle, Kari Percival, Eileen Ryan, Paperhand Puppet Intervention, and Extinction Rebellion all contribute their ideas and visions to the larger climate movement. Come join them!
For more information go to www.storefrontartprojects.com