The committee screening candidates for Watertown’s next City Manager will review the process for how hiring process will proceed.
The Ad Hoc City Manager Screening Committee will meet vitually on Thursday, March 17 at 5:30 p.m. At the meeting the City’s consultant, Community Paradigm Associates, will review the process. After the presentation, the Committee will go into executive session to begin evaluating the candidates.
The Ad Hoc Screening Committee includes: Mark Sideris (City Council President) – Chair, Vincent Piccirilli (City Council Vice President), Caroline Bays (Chair of Personnel and City Organization Committee), Steve Magoon (Acting Deputy City Manager), Deanne Galdston (Superintendent of Schools), Daniel D’Amico (Resident), and Felicia Sullivan (Resident).
The public can join the virtual meeting online: https://watertown-ma.zoom.us/j/86093009517
The public can also join the virtual meeting audio only by phone: (877) 853-5257 or (888)
475-4499 (Toll Free), and enter Webinar ID: 860 9300 9517 #
Comments can be sent by email to: cbays@watertown-ma.gov