CDM Smith A drawing of the proposed layout for the courts and a street hockey rink at Moxley Field.
Plans for renovating the courts area at Moxley Field will be discussed at a community meeting on Feb. 14.
The City of Watertown host a virtual meeting (on Zoom) on Monday, Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. The renovation plan includes courts, fencing and lighting system. At a City Council meeting in January, a proposal was presented in which one of the two tennis courts would be replaced with a street hockey rink, including boards and a retaining wall.
The Council asked for City staff to hold a public meeting to gather input. The last time the public had a chance to weigh in were a public meeting and site visit in 2017.
“The City is interested in hearing what the neighborhood thinks about options for improving the court area. The remainder of the park will be improved after the removal of the temporary high school,” Recreation Director Peter Centola said in the announcement.
See the presentation from the City Council meeting by clicking here (after the Zoom information).
Residents can also reach out to the Recreation Department in advance to identify any specific issues and questions they might have, Centola said. Call 617-972-6494 (Office), 617-312-9007 (Cell), or email pcentola@watertown-ma.gov
Zoom meeting info:
Topic: Moxley Park Community Meeting Court Renovation Discussion
Time: Feb 14, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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