6 thoughts on “Watertown Looks to Lease Electric Shuttles for Pleasant Street Connector

  1. This sounds like it will be a much better solution for the Pleasant St. shuttles which are much appreciated after a long wait. Increasing the number of ride times and decreasing pollution are a win, win. Thanks for pursuing these opportunities.

  2. Two minor corrections. The grant program is called Community Connections, and it is through MassDOT. The current shuttle vehicle is gas powered, not diesel.

  3. How many people actually ride this? I see it daily at the square around 630,730, 830 and 0930, and it’s always empty or with 1-2 riders, same in the evening. Waste of money. A better way to be green would be to invest more in safe and proper bike infrastructure! Improvements along the existing Charles river/dudley bike path would bring so much more benefit.

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