This Wednesday, we brought my child (first grade at Hosmer) to the vaccine clinic the Watertown Public Schools arranged to take place at the Middle School. I’m happy to report that everything went off without a hitch!
As of Nov. 3, 2021, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended a reduced dose COVID vaccination for children ages 5-11. We were eager to get my child vaccinated and signed up for the WPS vaccine clinic without hesitation. My child received the vaccine with no problem and I look forward to her greatly reduced risk of serious COVID. While I know that children are relatively low risk already, I am happy to help protect her from the remaining risk while also doing our part to reduce spread, prevent outbreaks, and keep our kids in school.
The clinic was a great opportunity to get the vaccine locally and to do it as a community. My child saw one of her friends at the clinic, and I’m sure that others in her class also got vaccinated at this excellent event at different times throughout the afternoon. The scene at the Middle School was busy but efficient. We felt well taken care of by the city and by the awesome health care workers who brought this clinic to us. They seemed tired but cheerful, and it goes to show that they handed out a lot of vaccines, which after all is the point of a vaccination clinic.
I urge anyone who didn’t go to this clinic to talk to their own child’s pediatrician about the COVID-19 vaccine and to seriously consider getting it. The more immunity we have in our city, the more we can hope to avoid any outbreaks or any backsliding from our overall excellent progress.
A big thank you to Watertown Public Schools for putting on this vital and well-run clinic!
Matt Lashof-Sullivan
Watertown Parent