To the Watertown community,
We are heading into the final days of this election cycle and as we do so, I have begun to reflect on what the past month of campaigning has brought and what the next five days will look like.
When I decided to run for office, my goal was to bring people together, participate in spirited debate, and to help build a better Watertown. I have been coaching soccer in town for fifteen years and have had the privilege to have coached hundreds of, if not a thousand, kids in town. Instilling in them the fundamentals of soccer so they can succeed on the field is only part of what I do as a coach. The other, and more important, part is instilling in them life skills such as sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership, integrity, resilience, and perseverance.
This past week, I have had these skills tested. I keep reminding myself of the words of advice I have given countless of times as a coach. Phrases like, “Don’t worry about the referee. Worry about controlling what you can control,” “Don’t retaliate when you get fouled,” and “Remember that we are a team, and if we are too busy fighting amongst ourselves, we will never succeed.” In the past week, purported leaders of this community have called me disgusting, gross, “just a kid,” uneducated, ignorant, anti-American, and “not from here.” I have been lied about and censored by certain groups.
Sometimes, in a middle of the game, priorities shift. My goal for the remaining five days of this campaign is to be an example for all the players I have coached. Many of us in town have lamented the polarization of politics that have occurred in this country, particularly after the 2016 and 2020 elections. Political discourse has turned into insulting, name-calling, and yelling. I refuse to partake in this. Combatting this at a national level is beyond our control. What we can control, is how we participate in our local government.

The result of this election will see four At-Large candidates elected to Town Council. I may or may not be on the Town Council but that will not determine the success of my campaign. Success will be going to coach soccer to 75 kids at Filipello Field on Wednesday, November 3rd, knowing that I walk onto that field unchanged. I will walk onto the field knowing that I provided a different example for what our local participation in politics can and should look like. One in which the focus centers on debating ideas, collaborating with peers, uniting our community, and remembering that we are all neighbors who deserve respect.
Your neighbor,
Daniel D’Amico
(NOTE: The deadline to submit endorsement or election letters was Oct. 28.)
I couldn’t agree more with this! I have stayed the course of running my campaign the way I was raised by my parents. Keep your head high and always be respectful to others. I have hated to see this election turn into two slates against each other. This is no way I want to represent or teach local government to our children here in Watertown. It is not accurate and is a disservice to the process. I have a job to continue while still being an elected School Committee member and I will focus on that important work.
Agreed, Amy. The negativity I have seen in this campaign is disheartening. I am glad that the candidates in our race have been supportive. I have learned and grown from this election cycle, and working with you, Jen, Jessica, Colleen and Rachel has been a really good experience, and one which I think has helped me hone my own thinking. I am grateful to be among such a great group of women who all want to see the best for our students, schools, and community as we move forward. Every candidate has added something unique and important to the conversation.
Agreed! I’ve been busy listening to families on what they love and what they’d like to improve on at WPS and answering their questions for me and my campaign. It doesn’t leave much time for the rest of it. We’re coming down the home stretch and I much rather spend the next few days talking about my hopes for WPS!
So well said Dan! You are doing the right thing and have lead a great campaign that you can be very proud of. I’m sorry that people called you names when you are putting yourself out there and trying to do something to help Watertown. I love your positive message and attitude!
What an eloquent letter about conducting ourselves in the world and in politics. Our family has had the joy of getting to know Dan over the last few years and his influence on our children being good citizens of this world is always evident. Our town will be lucky to have you on Town Council.
Well said Dan!
As a Watertown resident, a parent of a WPS student, a 23 year veteran in public education and someone who has also worked with thousands of young people I am compelled to say, this is the kind of leader my family and I (as well as you and your family) need leading our community. It is also the kind of leader our children need as someone to look to – to model the kind of thoughtfulness, determination and resiliency I hope for them to some day embody as citizens of the world-including and beyond Watertown. Daniel D’Amico has had my unflinching support since I learned he was running for Town Council…today I could not be more proud to be able to say that. Thank you Dan…for your wisdom, your thoughtfulness, your steadiness, your resiliency and your courage.
Thank you for staying true to who you are and from my own personal experience as your former next-door neighbor, you are an amazing neighbor!
Thank you for writing this letter, Daniel D’Amico. I wholeheartedly agree with you that things have gotten out of control and our community needs to come together. People want a lot of the same things in this town and it’s important to be able to speak civilly across differences and come together. You inspire me and my kids (one of whom is a soccer player).
Thank you, Dan! I am also trying to focus on my own message in these last days and try to avoid the divisiveness. I know all the candidates have different views and perspectives beyond being on a “side,” and I know most voters will be able to look into us all individually to make the best decisions for Watertown.
To hear such negative comments about Dan is just heartbreaking. He instills the utmost level of respect, kindness, confidence and leadership when coaching soccer. And I know he will do the same for our community. Every town needs a strong leader who will keep the needs of our residents and families at the forefront, and who will never tolerate disrespect, hatred and unkindness. This person is without a doubt Dan.
Great letter, Dan. You are a class act–a great leader and role model. You have put into words how so many of us feel about the tenor of this election. I appreciate your positivity, courage and integrity. Good luck, Dan!
Great letter Dan, and good luck.
Bravo to Dan for so eloquently summing up the state of this election. I was already excited to vote for Dan, but if I wasn’t this letter would have convinced me. His integrity, perseverance, obvious love of his hometown, and his willingness to stay above the fray and remain focused on his goals are all reasons why I think he will be a great addition to our Town Council. He’s already a hero to my son, who cannot believe that anyone, anywhere would ever say anything bad about Coach Dan. He is truly a role model to so many kids who see him demonstrating leadership and kindness and integrity and respect in the way he works with them.
What a beautiful expression of the emotional experience that you’ve had running for office. I am proud to support you and feel that we need more of this in our culture-an honest, vulnerable, and self-reflective exercise on what it means to be in the running as a public servant in our community. I am so sorry for the negativity you have had to endure, and do not wish that on anyone-whether they are running for public office or not.
You are an inspiration to my children and to me as an adult. I believe that in order to affect change, it must be done on a policy level, but also on a heart level. I know that you will bring an analytical mind to policy as a Town Councilor and trust that you will also always bring your heart into this role as well. Thank you for putting yourself out there like this. I commend you for digging deep and allowing us to know what your experience has been.
This! Sara, you’ve said it better than I ever could. 1000% agree. Dan, we stand with you!
Thank you Dan! This message is a great example of the positive influence you’ve had for so many years in the community. We’re proud to have you as a neighbor, coach, and friend.
Thanks also to all those in this thread (and others) running for office to support the community. It’s not easy, and the last thing you should get in return is insults.
Thank you for your heart-felt letter, Dan. You are a leader with the grace and team spirit that we need in Watertown. As upsetting as this horrifying election season has been for everyone, you have truly demonstrated the heart and passion that we need in this town. You are intelligent, talented, dedicated, and truly care about making things better for everyone. In addition to coaching our little ones in town, who knew you could speak Spanish and Italian and were such a dedicated public servant? How impressive. You have been underestimated and undermined by falsehoods yet have floated above all of the negativity and demonstrated how much you truly deserve this seat. Even if you don’t win, I know you have and will continue to make this town a better place for all of our residents, and especially our kids (you are still my son’s favorite coach!). I truly appreciate your words today at a time when we need them most.
This letter is a breath of fresh air and exactly the message we need today. You have my vote, Dan.
Dan if you give up a career in data then you should go into communications. I am so proud of you! You are truly the best of Watertown! And again your parent did a smashing job! Only the best!
Very well said, Dan. We have to be able to disagree about values, visions, and priorities in constructive ways, without tearing apart the fabric of our community. Thanks for this letter.
Daniel, thanks for saying what has been in my heart for some time now. Thanks for running, and for being a leader.
It is really disheartening that some in this town find it acceptable to degrade, insult, and publish full blown lies (e.g. two recent letters to the editor) about certain candidates in this election. The lack of civility and common decency demonstrated by these individuals is truly shameful. I commend Dan D’Amico for keeping his head held high and not stooping to the level of trolls. I look forward to casting my vote for Dan on Tuesday.
You have my VOTE!
Good luck Dan.
Beautiful letter, Dan. I’m so heartened by your words, and by seeing that so many others here value your kind of integrity and open-hearted leadership. You already had my vote. Now you have even more of my respect.
You just earned my vote
Well said Daniel! Clearly, this shows that you understand the kind of leadership that Watertown needs in Town Council. You have my vote and my support!
So sorry to hear about your bad experiences running for office. I have been aware of other divisive and fear-mongering comments towards a few other candidates as well. I am hoping you get a seat on the next council as I think you are a thoughtful and intelligent person—we need you and you have my vote. Thank you for running!
Many thanks, Dan, for your inspiring message! We need it more than ever, and you nailed it with great eloquence and caring.
Dan – who said this to you? Too many people going with the anonymous criticisms to support humble bragging.
Name names.
Good chance Charles doesn’t post this.
“In the past week, purported leaders of this community have called me disgusting, gross, “just a kid,” uneducated, ignorant, anti-American, and “not from here.” I have been lied about and censored by certain groups.”
The only time I don’t post comments is if it violates one of the policies, such as has foul language, is an attack on another poster, contains false information, or, in the case of election stories, is not signed with a full name.
The only thing I’ve seen written is someone online called Dan “misguided” and he wasn’t a town leader. What leaders called you names, Dan? If it’s true you should name them.
I too agree with all the others that your letter and attitude should be an example to everyone in this town. I would only add that the recent negativity smacks of desperation. Good luck on Tuesday.
You are an awesome leader. Thank you for your service and courage and compassion.
Sorry to hear about this Dan. I hope you can explain who did this to you and if you were threatened in any way. Also you should go to the Police (and If you don’t feel comfortable maybe the District Attorneys Office.
Seems like Amy Donohue has been part of the local group running on the slate and now is she turning her back on that? Maybe she can clarify?
Is She is backing away from this crowd ?
I am so sorry that running for an elected office has been reduced to name calling and vitriol. It’s unnecessary and distracts for knowing what a candidate running for elected office (or re-election) will do for us in Watertown. Thank you for your letter to the editor. You are doing a great job and showing leadership in spite of the “noise”. All the best to you on Tuesday.
Thanks, Dan, for your eloquence and positive values. And thanks to those of you who replied about how we should communicate with and treat each other. We build our community in big and small ways, with every interaction.
I echo this chorus of appreciation for what you have written, and affirmation/endorsement of a fine candidate. Daniel has been a standout human in all ways as long as I’ve known him: positive, full of integrity, a role model for youth, dedicated…the list goes on. We are proud to know you and proud to vote for you Daniel!!