It’s great to live in such an active and diverse town. I’m writing because over the past decade, there has been extreme apathy in the local voting process.
Fewer and fewer people are going to the polls for local elections, and voter turnout percentages are at an all-time low – about 4%! It is truly disheartening that many major economic, development, financial, and transportation decisions are being made by town council members who only represent the views of a small fraction of the Watertown population.
But, this year, we have seen a true swell of passion, interest, and concern over the voting process and the direction our town is taking. We’re seeing a strong influx of new candidates who will challenge elements of the status quo and provide voters like us with real options and choices.
These candidates bring “new blood” and perspectives to the election process, and they will offer well-informed visions for the future of Watertown. They have lived and worked in Watertown and many went to school or raised their families here – and they understand the issues that impact our town and have witnessed the evolution of these issues over time.
I hope you will consider voting for the following candidates.
John Airasian (Councilor at Large) – Business owner (Eastern Clothing in Watertown) and a life-long Watertown resident. He has served on a number of boards and committees in town (Rotary Club and Watertown Cable TV Board).
Megan O’Halloran (Councilor at Large) – Watertown resident and raising her family in Watertown. She has been involved in healthcare for years and is on the board of the Watertown Boys and Girls Club.
James Mello (Councilor at Large) – Lifelong resident of Watertown and owned a digital print industry small business for 40 years. He served on the Watertown Charter Review Committee and was a Town Planning Board and Town Meeting Member.
Emily Izzo (District D Councilor) – Lives in Watertown and went to school at Watertown High School. She also serves on the board of the Watertown Library Board of Trustees.
Michael Hanlon (District A Councilor)
Lisa Feltner (District B Councilor)
School Committee:
Amy B. Donohue
Colleen Mahoney Faherty
Jennifer A. Nicholson
Best regards,
Michael Antonellis
Longfellow Road in Watertown (District D)
(NOTE: The deadline for submitting election letters is Thursday, Oct. 28. They can be submitted to watertownmanews@gmail.com)
I am in 100% agreement with your selection of candidates and I will vote accordingly in the districts I am allowed to.