The final day to request a mail-in ballot from the Town is this week, as is the deadline for submitting an endorsement letter to run in Watertown News.
Vote by Mail
The final day to submit an application to vote by mail is Wednesday, Oct. 27, according to the Watertown Town Clerk’s election calendar. The Clerk’s office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, and from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday.
You may request a Vote By Mail ballot by:
• Completing a Vote By Mail Ballot Application and submit the application via email to the Town Clerk’s office (in Town Hall, 149 Main St., Watertown, 02472), via postal mail, in-person, drop in the Ballot box outside of Town Hall on the Saltonstall side of Town Hall, or electronically via fax at 617-972-6595.
• Call the Town Clerk at 617-972-6486 to request a Vote By Mail Application be mailed to you.

Once your application is received, the Town Clerk’s office will mail you a Ballot. All Ballots must be mailed to the registered voter. Return the ballot in the appropriate envelopes via mail or in person by 8 p.m. of election day (Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021). Your Ballot must be received by the Town Clerk’s office by the close of polls on Election night. Your ballot will be counted on Election Day at your designated precinct.
For more information about the Town Election from the Town Clerk’s office, click here.
Endorsement Letters
Letters of endorsement for candidates for office in the 2021 Watertown Election must be submitted by the end of the day on Thursday, Oct. 28, 2021. They can be submitted by email to watertownmanews@gmail.com