Rachel Kay is a data scientist, a Lowell School mom, and a determined advocate for the students and families of Watertown. She is now running for Watertown School Committee and, if elected, her unique voice will be an excellent addition to school leadership in our community.
“Data” has become a trendy thing to talk about, and for good reason because it can be extremely valuable to a well-functioning organization. But, it can be misused or used in an ineffective manner. That is where Rachel’s background will be such a huge asset to our school system. For Rachel, data is her profession and her expertise, not just a buzzword.
Rachel is also an exceedingly hard worker. Through knocking on doors and going to community events, Rachel has personally contacted over 4,000 residents of Watertown as she campaigned for School Committee in recent months. She accomplished this while working her full-time job as Director of Research and Analysis for the MIT Admissions Office and her more than full-time job as a single-mom to her son, Adam. It is fortunate that Adam possesses a similar curiosity and intelligence as his mom and enjoys (usually) meeting people on the campaign trail!
Anyone who has watched School Committee meetings in recent years knows that Rachel has proven that she is unafraid to ask hard questions, and even to ask them again if she doesn’t get an answer the first time. What people may not know is that the School Committee currently has a streak of over 400 consecutive votes without a dissent by any members, going back to fall 2018.

The current committee members are good people whom I like and respect. And there are some great things happening in our schools. But there are also things that fall through the cracks and deserve a more thorough public analysis and discussion. Four hundred consecutive unanimous votes is an indication that more robust deliberation/debate would be beneficial to the decision making. Rachel’s first class level of data knowledge, compassion for all our students, and willingness to ask hard questions make her the perfect person to add into WPS decision making.
Rachel’s expertise, open-mindedness, and willingness to speak out on behalf of all students will make her an excellent and valuable addition to the leadership of Watertown Public Schools. Please vote Rachel Kay for School Committee on Tuesday, November 2.
Thank you,
Owen Murphy
(Hosmer dad)
(Election letters will be accepted until Thursday, Oct. 28. They can be sent to watertownmanews@gmail.com)
Nicely written, where does your candidate stand on the big issues such as critical race theory? Indoctrination of our children?
In my heart, I believe we need to get back to the basics. Let’s teach our children how to read, write, spell, problem solve. Remember the basic skills taught? Home economics, basic repairs, basic cooking, budgeting, basic health care. Teach all sides of the issues WITHOUT making decisions FOR them or imposing your own views. Allow our children to do their own research and decide where they stand on current issues. We need to allow children to hear ALL sides, clearly and openly, unbiased. Respecting all people, respecting your elders, leaders. Not TELL them what to think. These are the candidates I’ll support.
Here we go again. Critical race theory? Indoctrination of children? You seem to want a “back to the 50s” approach to education. We haven’t lived in that world for a very long time. Frankly, I’m amazed that Watertown has so many amazing School Committee candidates in the running this year given the nonsense they are expected to have to address!
I agree with Wendy. We would love to understand where Rachel stands on real issues like how to improve the overall WPS system and improve our status within the Commonwealth. We barely crack the middle of the pack in ratings. https://www.schooldigger.com/go/MA/city/Watertown/search.aspx
With the robust education budget and great location to the best universities on the planet our kids deserve a better learning experience. It would be nice to see a plan to get us there.
Also, I would like to know where Rachel stands on the controversial teachings of Critical race theory (CRT)? The School Resource Officers? and the New High School plan.
By looking at her facebook page and website https://www.rachelekay.com/platform it is very sparse on a platform and that make me nervous.