Dear fellow District B residents,
I’d like to give a shout for re-electing Lisa Feltner, current District B Councilor. While I am happy to see new people running for a number of open and filled slots (the interest this year is really encouraging!), I have to throw my support behind Lisa.
She has been a consistent voice for District B and always responsive to her constituents. She has also stuck her neck out on some tight votes over the past few years and I have greatly appreciated that. I think Lisa is someone who thinks hard about issues and will stand up for what she thinks is best for Watertown.
Lisa also has a very good grasp on ALL the issues facing Watertown today. She understands that while some issues are not in the limelight, they are still just as important as those that are. She will listen to all points of view from residents in District B and make good decisions based on evidence. I know I can count on her thoughtful insight in the next term.
Marcia Ciro
13 Bay St
The choice is very clear. I will vote for Lisa Feltner and encourage all our friends and neighbors in District B to vote on November 2nd.
I also think Lisa Feltner is the best choice for district B. She understands how to work with people, knows Watertown and appreciates all it has to offer. She’s a positive person who has done a great job for our community! I’m voting for Lisa!