Watertown’s chapter of 350 Mass Action, a local climate advocacy group, has endorsed the following slate of candidates for the November election:
Town Council:
District A: Nicole Gardner
District B: Lisa Feltner
District C: Vincent Piccirilli
At Large: Anthony Palomba, Caroline Bays, John Gannon and Daniel D’Amico
School Committee: Lily Rayman-Read, Jessica Middlebrook, Rachel Kay
350 Mass Action is a statewide organization whose mission is to endorse and support candidates for local, state and national offices who are committed to support and enact policies and legislation to resolve our climate crisis. Candidates responded to a questionnaire which addressed the need to eliminate greenhouse gases in housing, transportation and the electric grid while protecting families and populations most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.
People interested in learning more about 350 Mass Action are encouraged to contact Rick Kalish at rkalish54@gmail.com
Richard Kalish
Watertown Resident
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While climate change may be on the top of some people’s lists for potential candidates, I urge voters to look at all the issues that affect our town. Individually we can do what we can to help alleviate some climate issues, but in the big scheme of things we need countries such as China, India and others to agree to do their part. They are the biggest polluters. I am more concerned locally with over development, maintaining our police to a level that keeps us safe, making sure our children are getting a fair and balanced and good education, fixing roads and old pipes, and other issues that are more controllable at a local level. Please, everyone, look at all the issues and ideas that candidates stand for and make an informed decision before voting.