I met Rachel in the playground and my first impression of her was gentle spoken and genuinely kind.
While COVID kept students and parents socially distanced, I got more opportunities to connect with her. As a woman of color and an immigrant who did not attend grade school here, I was always reluctant to share my thoughts with anyone. Part of it because I was not familiar with the system, another part of it was the fear of being viewed as “a trouble maker.” Rachel has been selfless with sharing everything she knows about education scientifically, realistically, as well as encouraging me and other parents to share our voice.
I support Rachel for School Committee because we desperately need a voice for parents and students, safe guarding the bottom line of “doing the right thing.” Rachel is transparent about what Watertown is good at, and what we can do better, not limited to the K-12 level, but equipping our children beyond the 12th Grade.
We’ve been in so many situations where simple right decisions were not prioritized. Rachel has that quality and personality to bring children’s best interests and keep their interests at the top of the list.
I trust Rachel will bring positive impacts to our system and ultimately helping children in a long run. I look forward to casting my vote for Rachel, and the opportunity for positive changes.
Warmest regards,
Helen Law
Watertown Resident