LETTER: Owner of Community Health Center Endorses Candidate for District A Councilor

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I have been a Watertown resident since 2005, raising my children while founding an expressive arts community center in Watertown, ARTrelief, with my wife. I’m writing today to enthusiastically endorse Nicole Gardner for District A Town Councilor and I encourage all my East End neighbors to cast their vote for her on election day, November 2nd.

I first met Nicole Gardner through the Buy Nothing Watertown Project, which she has grown from a niche interest to a network of 2,500 residents across town. Nicole’s community-building energy, enthusiasm, and initiative helped me connect with my neighbors and get more involved around issues that matter to me, such as the environment and consumerism, as well as raising our children in a safe community where people know and look out for each other.

In the time I have known her, Nicole has shown strong leadership abilities, not only in thinking about creating a diverse leadership team for Buy Nothing Watertown but also in her ability to motivate others in working towards a common vision. Getting the Buy Nothing group off the ground was a tremendous amount of work. It took dedication and focus. Nicole led us through it all with a friendly, approachable, and empathetic outlook.

Nicole also connected me with the Town’s new Public Arts & Cultural Committee, which has provided new opportunities to get involved in our town and shape its future — showing once again her rare ability to connect people in a way that benefits us all.

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As the owner of a mental health community-based service, I know how much businesses are struggling under the pressures of rising costs and difficulty maintaining workers, especially since the pandemic began. ARTrelief now serves more than 350 families in the Watertown area. Having outgrown our space, we’re looking for a new location — and we may have to move out of Watertown, given the limited inventory of business spaces available and the incredibly high cost of real estate.

We need a bold vision and strong leadership to turn these challenges into opportunities and build a strong community for all. I know that Nicole will address the issues that matter to people like me. I am confident she will listen closely, pull her sleeves up, and get to work.

I hope my fellow East End residents will join me in voting for Nicole Gardner as our next District A Town Councilor on November 2nd!

Cécile Rêve
Owner, ARTrelief
15 Kondazian St.

One thought on “LETTER: Owner of Community Health Center Endorses Candidate for District A Councilor

  1. I wholeheartedly agree. She has already done a lot for Watertown, and I can only imagine how effective she will be as a town councilor.

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