This Op-Ed piece has been removed due to questions over the source of the email referenced in the piece.
The author did not want to reveal the source of the email. While the email was a public document, having been sent to the members of the Town Council on their official email addresses, the description of the source of the letter was not clear enough.
The editor felt the description would likely lead readers to incorrectly infer the writer got the email from one of the Councilors who, in reality, is not the source, and other descriptions might reveal the source.
(Letters to the editors can be sent to watertownmanews@gmail.com)

A reminder that on election stories comments must be signed with your full name.
Huh? Let me see if I understand this – the above is a letter from an anonymous elected town councilor bashing the thoughts of a candidate who is running for town council? And the the town councilor is allowed to remain invisible? What?
Ok then, fair comment. So, 1) will this candidate work to reduce our towns police force? And 2) do they stand behind uplift Watertown’s stated mission? These are fare questions
I don’t care who wrote this informative letter. Is he or she lying? No.
If this candidate is for reducing the funding for police and I were in District A, I would not be voting for her. Crime is on the increase in this nation for a number of reasons, one of which is the cause of more drugs being smuggled into the country with gangs coming across our open borders. The border patrols are being overwhelmed with the humanitarian needs of people crossing over and needing basic health care, food and housing. They are understaffed and can’t control the bad guys when they are diverted to taking care of babies being dumped over the walls in other sections. These drugs are finding their way into Boston and the surrounding towns, including Watertown. I talked to a police officer recently and said I was disappointed that the Watertown Tab doesn’t even publish the crime reports any more. They seem more interested in publishing articles on Belmont, Cambridge and Arlington than covering our town’s information. I rely on Charlie’s information in the Watertown News and even he can’t publish some of the crimes that are happening due to protecting some victims, especially those of domestic abuse. This officer said they are seeing more people from Boston coming further along the Charles River and camping out there, especially since Boston is trying to clean up their Methadone Mile by pushing them out of that area. Many of these people are homeless and have drug abuse and mental health problems. They are seeing increases of crimes that the public is not privy to seeing. Dollars are the not the issue in the protection of our people. We need feet on the ground to react in a timely manner to any issues that arise. Ms. Gardner may talk a good game, but I think her thoughts are far from reality. We have well-trained police and I’d like to see that continue. Just saying!
That is because this is a liberal owned and run news website. You get one sided views and stories. Unfortunately it is what it is.
No it’s because he’s an editor with integrity who requires people to use their real names and provide facts when making a claim.
Paul, even when people use real names he chooses not to post their letters, sadly.
The only times I do not post comments signed by a full name is if I cannot verify the name, or if they contain language or statements that are not appropriate (i.e. attacking others or making unsupported claims).
I know Charlie is fair and balanced in his coverage. He has refused to allow comments of mine sometimes, and he has been right to do so. If he can’t verify someone’s identity, he won’t post the comment. His integrity is unquestioned.
I’ve heard this same disingenuous argument before in this unofficial column, though this is the first time I’ve heard of an elected member of our Town Council breaking this paper’s rules of election discourse by leaking a citizen’s letter anonymously! (What’s up with that, Charlie?) Any time a fellow Watertown resident asks us to consider whether we’re really getting the most for our shared public safety dollars, Bruce meets them here with the same shout-down. He tells us it is too dangerous to question – or even to discuss! – what public safety might look like under a government more concerned with equity and accountability than with maintaining the status quo. He says the only answer to every such question has already been given to us by the outgoing Town Manager. I have higher hopes for Watertown. Let’s think for ourselves and have some open conversations. What’s dangerous is silencing anyone who suggests progress.
I can’t vote for Nicole, because I don’t live in District A. But in my experience, she has been a good listener, ready to act but also ready to change course when her understanding of a problem expands. If you think she has it wrong, and you live in her district, I encourage you to talk with Nicole directly. She won’t hide behind anonymity like at least one of our current councilors. I hope Nicole is elected, even though I have no expectation that even the most competent, polished, and energetic Town Councilor can single-handedly implement the most progressive ideas I would like for my city. If we had a council full of people like Nicole, they would listen to you, Bruce, but also to your fellow residents, and I think we’d all be well represented.
Thanms for the comment. As for the email, any document sent to the Town Council is public information.
The letter-writer wasn’t anonymous. The leaking councilor was.
Maybe leaking is wrong, and that’s what you meant by pointing out the email was already public, in theory. My objection is that a councilor chose to share this letter with Bruce to include in this screed against Nicole, without attaching the councilor’s name to that sharing.