As a parent of two children in Watertown Public Schools, I write to encourage fellow Watertown residents to support Rachel Kay for School Committee. Among the candidates for the open seats, she is uniquely qualified to represent our concerns and to work to improve our schools.
The past year and a half of the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of making school policy decisions that are informed by science. As a data scientist with a long and distinguished career in education research, Rachel Kay will expand upon this evidence-based approach to running our schools. As Director of Admissions Research and Data Analysis at MIT, with a PhD in Education Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, Rachel brings a unique skill set to the job. Her expertise will be essential for ensuring WPS’s continued academic excellence.
Yet Rachel also knows that students cannot be reduced to test scores and that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work well in education. As the parent of a child in the Special Education system, she knows how to push for individualized learning solutions to meet student needs.
Our town’s experience with remote and hybrid learning last year underscored that different students need different things in order to thrive in school. Rachel will be a voice on the School Committee for all parents, especially those that feel their children are struggling.
Finally, Rachel is firmly committed to equity, an important value of Watertown Public Schools. She will support the schools’ ongoing efforts in the area of diversity and inclusion and will promote honest conversations about race, a crucial part of the learning experience for all of our
I have gotten to know Rachel Kay over the past several years as our children have participated in Cub Scouts together, and I know that she will be a valuable addition to the School Committee. I encourage you to get to know her too, through her door-to-door visits, appearance at public events around town, or at RachelEKay.com and on Facebook at RachelKay4Watertown.
Taylor Boas
Watertown Resident
Rachel Kay will indeed do an excellent job on the Watertown School Board.
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