4 thoughts on “Police Log: Two Residences Broken Into, Unknown Man Seen Inside Apartment at Night

    • Seriously? Not sure you realize there are usually 5 police cars on duty on a shift to provide coverage of the town. They can’t be everywhere. Lock your cars, lock your homes’ doors and windows.

    • I don’t think it’s appropriate to blame the police for this. After all, if someone is foolish enough to leave valuables in plain sight in their vehicles than they are asking for problems. Leaving cars parked on the streets with doors unlocked is just plain stupidity. Just a couple weeks ago it was reported that someone had $3700.00 in cash stolen from their unlocked vehicle in Watertown. Crazy and foolish. It’s on us, not the police, to be smarter with our personal property.

      Watertown is a dense city that borders other big cities and that adds to the crime. The arsenal area has always been a problem area and for me it makes me less likely to visit restaurants and businesses in that area.

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