I’m James “Jimmy” Mello, a lifelong resident of Watertown and a candidate for Councilor at Large in the November 2nd election.
The next Town Council will be responsible for selecting a new Town Manager; this will be the single most important decision that the council will make in about thirty years. My dad came to Watertown to work at the Arsenal, and when he got married, he wanted to raise his family here. I grew up in the West End of Watertown, but over the years, I’ve lived in every district, which gives me a unique perspective as a candidate for Councilor at Large.
As a resident, I have experienced issues of concern in those districts, and I can bring that background to the table as a Councilor. As a resident, I’ve been interested in what goes on in this Town for as long as I can remember, and was one of the youngest town meeting members when I was a senior in high school. Growing up in Town, I went through Watertown Public Schools and have actively been participating in various Town meetings ever since. I’ve been actively involved as a member of the Watertown Charter Review Committee as a resident representative, and have attended the School Building Committee meetings since they began. I think Watertown is in a good place at this time, and want to see it continue to be the best it can be for the residents of the Town.
Watertown has been well managed in regards to our budget, town services, and many capital improvements such as maintaining streets and sidewalks, and updating our public buildings with the renovation and expansion of our Department of Public Works , a new Library and Police Station. Soon we will be completing two new Net Zero Energy elementary schools, the Cunniff and Hosmer, which will then be followed by the renovation and expansion of the Lowell School. In a couple of years, a new Watertown High School that will be built without a tax override. We have a fully funded Employee Retirement System and a Triple A Bond Rating that allows the Town to borrow at a lower interest rate, which is an achievement that most cities and towns in the Commonwealth envy.
As one of your Councilors, I will insure that we stay on this path. The future for our community still faces many challenges, such as addressing Climate Change, Affordable Housing and the need to find and purchase more Open Space for the citizens of the Town. Traffic Congestion is a concern and I support expanding the services of the recently introduced shuttle on Pleasant Street. I fully support the implementation of an Affordable Housing Trust in Watertown and will advocate for a strong Community Preference Policy. I want to insure that Watertown is affordable for all its citizens, especially our seniors and residents with limited resources by supporting the introduction of linkage fees for commercial developments in Town.
We must continue our support of Public Safety, our Fire Department and our Police Department. As a Councilor, I will continue to support the Department of Public Works, Town Hall employees, the Library and our Public Schools. These services will allow Watertown to thrive into the future.
While my parents made the choice to live here to raise their family, I’ve actively made the choice to stay here and be involved in my community. I believe in Watertown and want it to succeed in every possible way to be the best community possible.
Please consider me as one of your four votes for Town Councilor at Large on Tuesday November 2nd.
James Mello
Candidate for Town Councilor At-Large
Jimmy is a good man .
I grow up with his family. He cares about Watertown and most important will work hard for Watertown.
Jimmy and his family exemplify what Watertown was and Watertown can be in the future.
Jimmy is running for Watertown not for himself, and there is a huge difference.
Vote Jimmy Mello.
I’m sure Mr. Mello is a good man and has only the best intentions for Watertown. But, Charlie, can we cut it out w these leading headlines about “lifelong, born&bred Watertown,” as if that’s truly a qualifying characteristic as opposed to those of us with only 20, 30, or 40 years here? This is at least the second such piece you’ve run and the claim (I’m real Watertown) smacks of the nativism starting to poison the Boston race (not to mention national politics). A comment humbly submitted and no slight meant to Mr. Mello.
Fair enough comment about life long vs. many decades in town but I wouldn’t call it leading. To me leading would be a headline that does not reflect what’s in the story/letter.
Maybe the voters can decide what qualifications they seek in a candidate?
Maybe not, take the most recent presidential election as an example.
You mean the election where 81 million Americans chose a seasoned statesman over a carnival barker?
Censored again for no good reason.
Proves my point that political correctness and censorship rule, rather than freedom.
Speaks of fear of contrary views and being shown up.
Like in China.
Does not speak well of you, Charlie.
I am having comments on election stories signed by full name. You are welcome to resubmit with your full name.
Show the courage of your so-called convictions and stop hiding. Charlie is doing the responsible thing here, as usual.
I just checked and that quality has gone out of style. Perhaps it will make a comeback, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
I’ve known Jim for over 40 years. A good man with a longtime interest in, and involvement with, Watertown. One of many good people running!
Mr. Mello would be an asset to the council, his lifelong commitment to our great town will help everyone. He’s also an all-around great guy.
Mr Mello,
Thanks for taking the brave step of candidacy and public service. Reading your message has compelled me to support your mission. I’m at 102 Channing road and would like a yard sign or 2 if available.
Moreover, I would like to stand with it on out major streets and get the word out. I’m a Gulf War Veteran, proud American, Anti-Marxist, and Watertown resident (25 years) .
Please drop us a line if we can support you. I’m hoping the last few weeks of your campaign are successful. JUST WIN !
Richie Chiapperini
I will drop off a couple of signs in a few days.
Thank you so much,
Jimmy Mello