Charlie Breitrose An MBTA bus in Watertown.
The MBTA sent out the following announcement:
As a reminder, please join us at the Better Bus Project Virtual Open House this Thursday, August 26, at 6:00PM. The Better Bus Project hopes to improve the bus experience for riders in the near future and over the next several years.
Short presentations will be given by project teams from across the MBTA, including the following:
- Bus Transit Priority
- Bus Network Redesign
- Bus Stop Accessibility Improvements
- Bus Operations
- Silver Line Extension
- Bus Electrification and Facility Modernization
- Bus Stop E-Ink Signs
Afterwards participants can expect to join a breakout room of their choosing to learn more about an initiative. Here attendants can engage with the project team further by asking questions or participating in a discussion. We are excited to share our knowledge and enthusiasm about these initiatives with you!
The meeting will be held online, via Zoom. To pre-register, please click this link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUqce-sqz8oHdBuWlcofoXNVuOMpryQqxgi
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Upon joining you will be prompted to share your first name, last name, and email address. The meeting will be recorded and posted online for those who cannot attend.
Feel free to reach out to the Better Bus Project team at BetterBusProject@mbta.com with any questions and visit mbta.com/BetterBus to learn more about our ongoing efforts to improve the bus system and sign up for email updates.
If you have been forwarded this message and would like to receive email updates about the Better Bus Project, please sign up here.
Best regards,
The Better Bus Project Team
These meetings are accessible to people with disabilities and those with limited English proficiency. Accessibility accommodations and language services will be provided free of charge, upon request, as available. Such services include documents in alternate formats, translated materials, assistive listening devices, and interpreters (including American Sign Language).
For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation and/or language services, please email publicengagement@mbta.com.
Para más información o para pedir arreglos razonables y/o servicios lingüísticos, por favor envíe un e-mail publicengagement@mbta.com.
如需進一步瞭解或要求合理的便利設備和/或語言服務,請電郵 publicengagement@mbta.com.
如需进一步了解或要求合理的便利设备和/或语言服务,请电邮 publicengagement@mbta.com.
Para mais informações, ou para solicitar serviços de acesso e/ou linguísticos em termos razoáveis, contactar por email publicengagement@mbta.com.
Pour plus d’informations ou pour obtenir un accommodement raisonnable et/ou des services linguistiques, veuillez envoyer un publicengagement@mbta.com.