The following information was provided by the Watertown Police Department.
Boston Man Busted on Firearms Charges After Rolling Car in Watertown
Aug. 2, 9:24 a.m.: A Channing Road resident received a letter from the state unemployment office saying a claim had been made in his name. The man did not file the claim and is trying to resolve the problem with the state.
Aug. 2, 10:45 a.m.: A Brookline Street resident parked on the street at about 9 p.m on Aug. 1, and came back at 10 a.m. to find the center console was open and items were thrown around the front seat and the floor. The resident realized $10 in cash and change was missing. It is likely the vehicle was left unlocked. While the officer was on the street, another resident reported that someone we broke into another vehicle, went through the center console and threw the contents on the floor. That car was also likely left unlocked.
Aug. 2, 11:56 a.m.: A Brookline Street resident went out and discovered that a grey Toyota Tacoma was no longer in the driveway. It was left unlocked and the keys were still in the vehicle. The owner last saw it at 9:30 p.m. on the Aug. 1. Police are investigating.
Aug. 2, 5:25 p.m.: A resident parked on Townly Road at about 8 p.m. on Aug. 1, and when the resident went to leave for work at about 8 a.m. there were items taken from the glovebox and the center console. An unknown amount of cash and change and some gift cards were taken. Police are investigating. The resident believes the vehicle was unlocked.
Aug. 4, 9:59 a.m.: A woman who was trying to purchase some foreclosed properties in Florida told police she had been scammed. The woman had exchanged emails and texts with someone about purchasing four foreclosed properties in Hollywood, Fla. She sent a wire transfer for $2,300. She later found out that other real estate brokers had made deposits on the same properties. Police in Florida were notified and are investigating.
Aug. 5, 5:50 p.m.: Security at Target spotted a man who shoplifted at about 3:45 p.m. The man grabbed a cart and went to the household goods section, took the theft detection sensor off a vacuum and put it under the shopping cart. Then he left the store and got into a Mercedes C-Class car and left. The vacuum was a Shark IQ robot vacuum valued at $600. The suspect is described as a 6-foot-tall white man who wore a blue face mask, a blue and white long sleeve blue shirt, and jeans.
Aug. 7, 4 p.m.: A person tried to break into the leasing office at Blvd & Bond apartments at Arsenal Yards on Aug. 6 at 4:39 p.m. Police are investigating.
Aug. 7, 5 p.m.: An electric scooter was stolen from outside of Home Depot. The owner parked the scooter and locked it up. When the owner returned the combo lock had been pried open and the scooter was gone. It is valued about $330. Police are investigating.
Aug. 8, 10 a.m.: A car parked on Palfrey Street was broken into sometime between 2 p.m. on Aug. 7 and 10 a.m. on Aug. 8. The glove box and center console were open and the contents were strewn about. A pair of sunglasses, silver earrings, and a gold pen were stolen. The vehicle may have been left unlocked. Police are investigating.
There was a time years ago when Boston was known as the “Car Theft Capital of America”:
I’m thinking of a municipality that may soon be the “Car Breakin Capital of America.”
Three guesses, the first two don’t count.
It’s so difficult to believe that people are still leaving their cars unlocked. In this day and age it is not practical or logical to do this. CHARLIE, THANK YOU FOR LISTING THESE CRIMINAL EVENTS ON A REGULAR BASIS. The Watertown Tab is too interested in putting articles about Belmont, Arlington and other town activities in their paper and have stopped listing pertinent Watertown information. Maybe when the town sends out tax bills and the seasonal bulletins, they could include a reminder not to leave cars or houses unlocked due to the problems we are having with thefts.