The following announcement was provided by the Lit Squad:
Please join the Lit Squad as part of the Watertown Arts Market on August 21, 12:00-5:00 PM, at Arsenal Park. We are a newly gathered group of published and amateur writers, young and forever-young, who want to encourage and foster poetry and all literary arts here in this diverse community.
Join us to market your work, perform your work, enjoy the work of others … and meet other writers during the course of the day. We will have a commission-free sales table for your books and related wares. We will have featured 10-minute readings by established Watertown poets, followed by 3-5-minute open-mike readings by all comers, with a PA system and chairs, at 1:00 and 3:00 PM. We may offer a family interactive writing/reading event, to be determined.
We are also putting together a sampler of works by Watertown writers to be sold at the table. If you want to include your own work, perhaps publicly for the first time ever, we are asking of each writer 25 copies of a single page, 8.5 X 11 inches, with your original creation on both sides (poetry, or prose), designed and illustrated as you like. We will compile 25 samplers from these individual contributions, with pages bound in alphabetic order, and offer them as mementos to support next year’s fair. To be included, you must leave the 25 copies of your single two-sided page in DeWitt Henry’s front-door alcove at 33 Buick Street by August 15. There is no editorial selection involved.
Writers of all ages and languages are invited, but please provide an English translation for work in another tongue, and try to keep the material family-friendly. If your work has been previously
published, you should also credit the publisher and indicate your copyright. At the end, please include a brief contributor’s note with webpage, Facebook page or other contact information or photograph.
For questions, please contact Liz Rodgers (857-928-4033), or Patrick Fairbairn (617-924-2183).