The Town of Watertown is happy to support this year’s inaugural Arts Market, hosted by a coalition of arts and business organizations in Town, taking place at Arsenal Park on August 21 from 12-5 PM (rain date August 28th).
The Watertown Arts Market is an outdoor event that will follow a similar format to a farmers’ market: Watertown-based artists, authors, creatives, musicians and music teachers, arts and culture organizations, and beyond will each host a table at the event. Attendees can wander through the Market, learning about the artistic and cultural offerings in Watertown. Artists and cultural organizations can share information about their work and sell visual art, music, services, and more.
The Arts Market will need volunteers to help out between 8:30 AM – 6:30 PM on the day of the event to assist with set up at Arsenal Park in the morning, to help throughout the day with various tasks, and clean up in the evening. Volunteers may work one 4 hour shift or two consecutive four hour shifts with with a one hour break.
Visit watertownartsmarket.com for more information and to sign up to volunteer.