My name is John Airasian and I hope to secure your vote for the Councilor At Large Race on November 2, 2021.
I have lived in Watertown my entire life and have seen first-hand the extraordinary changes this community has gone through. I am a graduate of Watertown Public Schools (’95) and co-owner of Eastern Clothing also located here in East Watertown. My wife, Jackie, and I met here, and we have three boys: Vincent (11), Michael (10) and Jack (9).
I am a proud member of the Watertown Rotary Club. I have served as President and was a recipient of the prestigious Paul Harris Fellow award. For the past 7 years, I have served on the Scholarship Committee and have also been Chair of the Student Speaker program for that same amount of time.
I have served on the Board for Watertown Cable Access for over a decade and have acted as President for 7 years. During that time, the Board and I hired a new Executive Director and negotiated a successful 10 year contract with Comcast, which has allowed the station to grow and have state of the art equipment and studios. Over the course of the pandemic, WCATV was able to turn on a dime and broadcast all meetings which kept residents up to date and allowed for amazing participation from our citizens.
I have volunteered with the Watertown Belmont Youth Football program as head coach for grades K-6 for the last six years both in spring and the fall seasons for Flag Football teams and one year as assistant coach on the 3rd and 4th grade tackle team. I have also coached Biddy Basketball through the Boys and Girls Club.
Having lived in Districts B, C and D and owning a business located in A, I have direct ties to all parts of our community. This provides a unique perspective and appreciation of the challenges and differences each District has, which will only aid me in making proper decisions for the better of all residents.
I am open to and encourage your input and ideas and I look forward to meeting and hearing from as many residents as possible between now and November 2!
I would be honored and grateful to serve as a Councilor at Large for the hometown that means so much and has given so much to me.
Great candidate! He will be a terrific asset for all of Watertown!
Good luck John. 100 percent behind you. Thanks for stepping up to the plate.
Former Town councilor
Stephen Romanelli
Good luck John. You have already contributed to Watertown in so many ways. I know you will bring that same commitment and involvement to the Town Council. You have our full support.
Love seeing a lifelong resident who has contributed to this town in so many ways! Thank you for stepping up and believing in all the good Watertown has to offer.
Hi John,
Do you favor males who identify as females going into female restrooms and shower rooms as the law now allows?
Do you think it’s ok for a boy who is now a transgendered girl to play as a girl on a girls’ sports team?
Do you favor removing the Columbus memorial in Watertown Square?
Thank you for your answers.
How sad to see someone trying to spew such hate and nonsense in Watertown. You won’t find a supportive audience in town for this foolishness you are trying to stir up.
Best to you John. I’m confident you’ll do a great job.
Great neighbor and Gentleman will be an awesome addition to the Council .Good luck John
we would be truly honored to have you John represent the Town! truly a longtime community serving family! Thanks & good luck
John has 100% support from the Lamacchia Family! He is a smart honest man who will always due whats best for our town.
Anthony Lamacchia
you’ve got my vote – thanks for stepping up
John is a fine man and a great candidate. He will be a good Councilor and will continue the long and distinguished tradition of community service by the Airasian family!
Hard pass. This guy was complaining that schools weren’t open at full capacity last fall, before vaccines were a reality. Anti-teacher, anti-labor.
Yeah, because God forbid one deigns to have a different opinion. And anti Labor? I guess for 3 generations they’ve treated employees so poorly they brainwashed them to work their whole career there, for decades and decades! I believe one Lady has been there 35-40 years or so, still going strong !