The Town of Watertown is reviewing and proposing changes to the Town Charter, which spells out how the municipal government works, and the process is nearing its end. A group of residents will host a virtual Charter Chat on Sunday, July 11.
Watertown Forward has organized discussions of the Charter Review during the course of the process. This week’s chat will be on Sunday from 7 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Watertown Forward sent out the following information about the Charter Chat:
The next Sunday WF Charter Chat will focus on what’s next in the process and on how to continue improving communications and public engagement.
Specifically, this Charter Chat will:
• Bring folks up-to-date on the results of the CRC’s work (what is being proposed and what is deferred for action by ordinance or other means) and what comes next (review by the Town Council and approval by voters in November);
• Hear from Chris McClure, Tony Palomba and possibly other guests on ideas about how to keep residents well-informed about the proposed Charter changes, the Town Council’s vote and the November ballot. There will be time for questions and discussion about transparency and communication in general.
See how to join the Charter Chat by clicking here.