The following announcement was provided by the Lit Squad:
An invitation to Watertown writers and poets to participate in the first annual Watertown Arts Market (www.watertownartsmarket.com).
Calling all writers! Help celebrate poetry and prose in your preferred language as part of the first annual Watertown Arts Market on Saturday 21 August 2021 in Arsenal Park, noon to 5 p.m.
Here’s a chance for writers who are Watertown residents to market their work or simply share it with others, by open mike or otherwise. Writers of any age are welcome to participate by making creative contributions of their own, celebrating the work of others, or just talking with like-minded people. Such people (our Lit Squad) are dedicating tents and a table at the Arts Market to serve as a free venue and showcase for Watertown’s writers known and (hitherto) unknown.
This is just a first-notice alert to writers of every stripe. Please consider presenting your work for sale, performance or distribution. In coming weeks, look for further information on the Watertown Arts Market website as we develop an agenda of opportunities to promote creative writing, reading, performing, sharing and listening. We represent a collective response to the call for writers. Individual writers who desire additional space can consult the Watertown Arts Market website for the relevant guidance to register.
Questions? Contact Liz Rodgers (earodgers@gmail.com) or DeWitt Henry (dewittphenry@gmail.com).