After nearly three decades leading Watertown’s government, Town Manager Michael Driscoll told the Town Council Tuesday night that he soon will be retiring.
“On August 18, 1977, I began working for the Town of Watertown at the young age of 24!,” Driscoll said Tuesday. “Tonight, I am announcing my intention to retire as Town Manager the end of January 2022, when I will be 69 which will be 45 years of serving our community, with the last 29 years as Watertown’s Town Manager.”
Driscoll said he has recently been contemplating retirement.
“The past year and a half have been a time of reflection for all of us. We have much to be proud of over the past months, years and decades,” Driscoll said.
He listed some of the Town’s accomplishments during his time as Town Manager, including building a three elementary schools and a new high school with no debt exclusion override, fully funding the Town’s retirement system, the curbside recycling program, and creating the Faire on the Square. His list also included other capital projects, such as building the new Police Station and Senior Center, expanding the Library and Public Works Facility, and renovating the three Fire Stations.
“As I have mentioned many times throughout the years, the goal of this administration and all of the Town departments is to provide the highest level of services to the citizens of Watertown while utilizing the taxpayers’ dollars as efficiently as possible,” Driscoll said. “I believe the 29 budgets that have been submitted beginning with Fiscal Year 1994 and through Fiscal Year 2022 are consistent with this goal.”
Before becoming Town Manager, Driscoll served as Treasurer/Collector/Parking Clerk from 1985-93, and stated working for the Town as the skating rink Manager, a position he held from 1977-85.
“It has been and is a privilege and an honor to serve as Town Manager for all the citizens of Watertown,” Driscoll said.
See Driscoll’s entire statement by clicking here.
Mike Driscoll has done an amazing job in leading Watertown for nearly three decades. His grasp of the town’s finances — and the work he has done to protect the financial integrity of the community — is legendary. He’s not perfect, but he has earned the gratitude of the community and all its residents.
Wow, congratulations!!! We will miss you at the meetings and at Town Hall. Have a great retirement!
Congratulations, Mike! A great job for Watertown and a stellar career.
Wishing you well in retirement. Thank you especially for getting the retirement pension plan under control. So many places are not in the good shape that we are in and future key employees need the certainty that the funds will be there for them after they have served us well. It is certainly a difficult job to be a Town Manager in this day and age.
Thanks again Mike, glad I ran into you in the hallway the next day to congratulate you & just have a good conversation with you! It’s your turn now so enjoy it anyway you want. best wishes! About the 1 & 2 licenses ha ha! Thanks again
The Tom Brady of Watertown but with 29 Championship Seasons. They may not know it yet, but the taxpayers of Watertown will miss you dearly.