4 thoughts on “School Committee Chairman Will Not Seek Re-election in November

  1. This is a huge loss for Watertown but a well deserved break for John, who has served Watertown with distinction on the School Committee AND the Town Council!

  2. Thank you to John for his service. It looks like we already have at least one excellent new candidate stepping up!

  3. Thanks John
    As many of the public positions are a) a lot of work b) a lot of time c) a lot of angst.
    Thanks for taking it on.

  4. Sorry to hear John Portz is retiring.
    I had the pleasure to serve with John on the Town Council . He was dedicated!

    John’s educational background brought to the School Committee was such a great contribution to the education of our students .
    I’m wishing you good health and happy years to share with your family
    With warmest best wishes,

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