Diners may have more outdoor dining opportunities in 2021 as the Town of Watertown is allowing restaurants to apply for additional outdoor space for temporary seating.
Last year, the Town allowed some restaurants to have seating on the sidewalk in front of their business, or other places on their property, and 15 did so. The temporary permits were given to allow for increased capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Restaurants that did not have seating last year can apply in 2021.
The Town Manager’s office sent out the following announcement:
As we approach spring and summer seasons, the importance to allow Watertown restaurants to offer more safe seating capacity as the phased reopening continues is clear. Therefore, the Town Manager has decided to extend any existing permits that were granted the previous fall. We will also allow any business owners and managers who have not received a previous approval the ability to apply for temporary outdoor seating for 2021 season.
Below is a link to the application form and process.
Application Form: https://www.watertown-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/29481/Watertown_Temp_Outdoor_Seating_Application_2020_0611
Any questions should be directed to Mike Mena, Zoning Enforcement, mmena@watertown-ma.gov, 617 972-6427