Watertown’s Superintendent of Public Works Gregory St. Louis announced a snow emergency for Sunday’s snow storm.
The Watertown DPW sent out the following announcement:
The Superintendent of Public Works is declaring a Snow Emergency effective 12:00 Noon, Sunday, February 07, 2021.
Watertown is expecting approximately 6-8 inches of snow with additional storms forecasted for later this week. The Snow Emergency shall remain in effect until further notice. On street parking will be banned and any motor vehicle left on the street will be subject to towing.
The Superintendent would like to thank you in advance for your
cooperation during the snow emergency and would request that every
resident assist in clearing of fire hydrants and catch basins in your area.
Also, clearing of the sidewalk in front of your property would benefit
Please check on the elderly population in your neighborhood.
Further up-dates will be posted on the Town of Watertown’s web site:
www.watertown-ma.gov and the DPW Website at: