The Charter Review Committee wants to hear from the public, and has posted an online poll about several issues that have come up during the group’s meetings.
Questions include whether the length of Town Councilor terms should be extended, should the Town add a public information officer position, and should the town start a 311 service for a “one-stop” number that residents can call with their questions and concerns.
Also, should the Town Council’s compensation be reviewed, should the Town Manager and Council President be required to hold at least two meetings a year where residents can come to get their issues addressed, and should the Town Council be able to hire an analyst to help Councilors with their work.
The final question is: “Do you think a mayor-city council would be more responsive than our current government of Town Council and Strong Town Manager?”
See the poll by clicking here.
Charter Conversation
Watertown Forward — a non-partisan grassroots civic action group promoting public engagement in the town’s Charter Review process — will be hosting a Charter Chat on Sunday, Feb. 7 at 3 p.m. See how to join the virtual conversation here.
Find out more about Watertown Forward at watertownforward.org or on our Facebook group.
Thanks for letting everyone know about the poll questions. We all know how difficult it is to be able to attend all of the meetings that are going on in town. The poll will be able to provide people with a way to provide their input. Hopefully, as we move forward the poll questions can be expanded. For those that can make it, the Charter Review Committee meets the first and third Tuesdays at 6:00 PM on ZOOM and Watertown Cable TV.