The following announcement was provided by the Watertown Health Department:
The Watertown Health Department has received a limited supply of COVID-19 vaccines and per state requirements is hosting a clinic for Watertown residents age 75 and older only (anyone born prior to 1945).
The Watertown Seniors Over 75 Clinic is scheduled for Wednesday, February 10. To register and for more information, go to: https://www.maimmunizations.org/clinic/private_registration/46e75165-f79b-4a45-aff3-8114d48036ac
Pre-registration is required for all appointments and seniors requiring assistance with registering can call the Senior Center at (617) 972-6490 for assistance in making an appointment.
Residents who have other means to get the vaccine (Veterans who utilize the VA; persons with transportation to get to mass-vaccination clinics) are encouraged to schedule appointments at those sites as soon as possible so they can get an early appointment.
Because the clinic is limited, attendees will be required to provide proof of Watertown residency and are advised to wear loose clothing that allows for easy access to the upper arm for administration of the vaccination.
If you have insurance, please bring your insurance card with you.
Attendees will be required to be observed for 15 minutes after vaccination, and if you have had any allergic responses in the past. The observation period is 30 minutes. Please plan accordingly.
Please note, at this time, the vaccine supply is very limited, and we will be hosting more clinics as additional vaccines are allotted to us.
Finally, if you have received an appointment for this clinic and you were able to get your vaccine elsewhere, please cancel your appointment for this clinic as it will allow us to vaccinate others. Thank you.