Parking Ban Lifted, Trash & Recycling Delayed by Storm

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The parking ban called for the storm that hit Watertown Monday and Tuesday has been lifted.

The Watertown Police sent out a Twitter post declaring the end of the parking ban, beginning at 9 a.m. on Tuesday.

Public Works Superintendent Gregory St. Louis sent out the following announcement:

The Superintendent would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation during the snow emergency and would request that every resident assist in clearing of fire hydrants and catch basins in your area. Also, clearing of the sidewalk in front of your property would benefit all.

Please check on the elderly population in your neighborhood.

Additionally, starting Tuesday trash and recycling will be delayed a day for the remainder of the week. Further up-dates will be posted on the Town of Watertown’s web site: and the DPW Website at:

We are all in this together. 

Thank you,

Gregory St. Louis, PE
Superintendent of Public Works

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