Six Homes in Watertown Were Sold This Week

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Five condominiums and a multi-family home sold this week in Watertown.

$720,000 – 13 Church Hill St. Unit 13, Condo – Townhouse, 1,923 Living Area Sq. Ft. (Includes Finished Basement), 6 Room, 3 Bedroom, 2 Full & 1 Half Bathroom

$592,500 – 17 Woodleigh Unit 2, Condo – 2/3 Family, 1,709 Living Area Sq. Ft. 7 Room, 4 Bedroom, 2 Full Bathroom

$620,000 – 7 Quincy St. Unit 7, Condo – 2/3 Family, 1,698 Living Area Sq. Ft., 6 Room, 3 Bedroom, 2 Full Bathroom

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$741,180 – 12 Homer St., Multi-family Home – 2 Family, 2,359 Living Area Sq. Ft., 2 Units, 10 Total Rooms, 3 Total Bedrooms

$750,000 – 74 Fitchburg St. Unit 74, Condo – Townhouse, 1,774 Living Area Sq. Ft. (Includes Finished Basement), 5 Room, 2 Bedroom, 2 Full & 1 Half Bathroom

$449,900 – 50 Watertown St. Unit 313, Condo – Mid-Rise, 1,105 Living Area Sq. Ft., 5 Room, 2 Bedroom, 2 Full Bathroom

4 thoughts on “Six Homes in Watertown Were Sold This Week

  1. I wonder if this shows people want to get out of Watertown, due to the ugly condos, who in heaven is the architect of crap. Yes you are selling them, but my feeling is the nice town it used to be, is turning into a mess.Mary

  2. Why don’t we stop building these ugly buildings and concentrate at rebuilding Watertown square. The first impression of driving into Watertown square is old, dirty and rundown. There is nothing desirable about it. We should make it more desirable and family friendly. Where a family could get an affordable ice cream and go and sit on a nice bench in a pretty park in the square. It was great when we had star market and ice cream or lemonade store. You would always go down the square and run into a friend or see children enjoy a slush. Get some money from these builders and start rebuilding Watertown square. Mary

  3. Mary, this town is really going to be a mess when they turn back on evictions and foreclosures. Luckily sold my 2 fam in Nov, don’t know how the new owner is gonna be able to renew the leases anywhere near what we left off on when the next comp is now $800 less a month a unit..

  4. Has everyone seen the ugly apartments recently built on the south side of Pleasant St. going towards Waltham? The town isn’t concerned about design, just the tax money. Fortunately we are getting more tax money, but those types of buildings don’t contribute to a sense of community. These people often are here for a short time. They vote and move on leaving us with a mess. And now we’ve increased the costs of parking downtown. That’s not helping businesses survive during these difficult times.

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