The following information was provided by Alexandria Real Estate Equities:
Please join Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. (ARE) for a review and discussion on conceptual plans for the Arsenal on the Charles (AOTC) campus, which ARE purchased from Athena Arsenal, LLC in late 2019.
The purpose of these meetings will be to present and discuss ARE’s proposed plans to redevelop AOTC into a collaborative and innovative campus including life science, office, retail, and community uses, as well as publicly accessible open spaces and streetscape improvements.
Discussion will highlight the changes from Athena Arsenal LLC’s previously approved Campus Master Plan Special Permit and Site Plan Review (PB-2016-01) as well as conceptual designs for the new buildings and the associated public realm including pedestrian and bicycle connectivity to
the adjacent neighborhoods. (note: postings will be available online prior to the first meeting)
We will be hosting two community information meetings: one on February 3rd, and the other on March 11th. Please join us for one or both evenings. The first meeting will provide the full project presentation; the second will briefly review project details and will address any additional details or follow-up from the first meeting.
In light of the COVID pandemic, the meetings will be conducted virtually via Zoom. Prior to the start of each meeting, please access the link below to join via computer or mobile device. You may be instructed to download the Zoom application.
See the slide presentation about the Arsenal on the Charles by clicking here.
Meeting 1
Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021, 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
URL: http://bit.ly/aotc-mtg1 (note: all lowercase)
Meeting ID: 998 8554 0097
Passcode: 02472
Dial-in Number: (312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 998 8554 0097
Passcode: 02472
Meeting 2
Thursday, March 11, 2021, 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Meeting Link: http://bit.ly/aotc-mtg2 (note: all lowercase)
Meeting ID: 991 9275 7899
Passcode: 02472
Dial in Number: (312) 626-6799
Meeting ID: 991 9275 7899
Passcode: 02472