The School Committee approved the creation of a new Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion position in the Watertown Public School administration on Monday night.
The person will lead the district’s effort to ensure equity for students in the Watertown schools, but Superintendent Dede Galdston said he or she will not be the only one working on the issue.
“It is about having somebody there in a full-time position that can keep us moving, hold us accountable, make sure the plans that we create — not that they create — are actualized,” Galdston said. “And really pinpoint and targeting the support that we need in terms of professional development, in terms of family engagement, in terms of hiring and recruitment and retainment (of staff members of color). They are going to be able to keep us going and keep us in the right direction.”
School Committee members spoke in support of creating the new position. Lindsay Mosca wondered about the responsibilities of the new position and how the director will report back to the School Administration and the School Committee. David Stokes added that he believes the position should be at the level that reports directly to the Superintendent, not another department head.
Galdston said she has some ideas about the position, but she is also getting input from the Watertown Anti-Bias Coalition — of which the schools are a part — to help shape the position.
She added that the director will collect and interpret data about the district.
“I envision it would be a report back function of data. This is one of our areas that we have not done great job collecting data that informs equity work, whether it’s discipline, disproportionality of college/moving on, you name it,” Galdston said. “There is a lot of data to help point your direction. I think this person will be able to collect and warehouse and report back the existing data, and also the impact of what we are doing in a measurable ways.”
The district will be bringing in an outside group to do an equity audit of the Watertown Public Schools, Galdston said, and they will submit a report with data about the schools. This will provide information for the new Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion can use immediately, instead of collecting that information when the person first arrives.
School Committee member Lily Rayman-Read said she thinks that the new director should not work alone.
“One person is a start, but it could be a whole department. I’ve looked at other districts that have this type of position. Usually they have more than one individual,” Rayman-Read said. “They speak to the fact of burnout, but also that it is important to have colleagues who look like you and that the district reflects that. I think that making sure that this person is not kind of tokenized in that way, and also more important that they have a support system. That is what will keep them in Watertown.”
Galdston said the District has already reached out to someone who coaches people in similar positions, who previously worked in such a role.
“Until we figure out what those additional layers will be, we would absolutely provide external support,” Galdston said.
Town Council President Mark Sideris, who is also on the School Committee, said the Council has begun discussions about creating a similar diversity position on the Town-side of the Watertown government.
The School Committee unanimously supported the creation of the Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Galdston said that she learned a lot from the stories shared by students and parents, and thanked the groups that have helped with the creation of the new position, including the Anti-Bias Coalition and the recently created district Equity Leadership team.
“I really appreciate the support of the School Committee for the position, but, more so, I appreciate the entire community and the call upon us to make change and do better by our students,” Galdston said. “Watertown is a unique place, a very passionate place. We embrace that and go with our people, and I think we are going to do some really good, strong work that’s going to have a positive impact on the lives of our kids. I think we’ve already started that but I think right now we are going into a whole different gear.”
Galston told the School Committee that the work on diversity and equity is not a new one, and started before she arrived in Watertown in 2017. A diversity position had been in the budget for the current school year, but it was one of the items eliminated when the Watertown Schools made cuts to deal with the loss in funding due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Galdston said.
The position has been put into the level-services budget for the 2021-22 school year (Fiscal Year 2022), which means it is not a request for which funding must be found. The money to pay the salary will come from savings from the difference in salaries between retirees and people hired to replace them, Galdston said.
The district will begin advertising the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion position during the week of Jan. 4, 2021, Galdston said, with hopes of closing the application process at the end of January, go through the hiring process in February, and look to appoint someone by March 1.
The person will start no later than July 1, 2021, Galdston said, but if the person is available before then, he or she can begin working in Watertown at an earlier date.
It’s all politically motivated nonsense, in my opinion, and is being forced on the schools by an agenda that is obvious.
Will parents now be forced to take courses and sign pledges before they can send their children to Watertown schools?
Some schools are now requiring students and faculty to sign oaths.
Read about it (University of Southern Maine Asks Students and Faculty to Sign “Black Lives Matter Statement and Antiracism Pledge”):
Is this coming to Watertown? I bet it is.
Public K-12 schools have to take everyone in town, so it would be a different situation than a college.
Nonsense it is and nonsense will be the product of this new department. The groaning taxpayers of Watertown need to stand up and push back against this wrong headed brain washing of our children and squandering of our money. Lily Rayman-Read speaks of adding a whole layer of added Administrative cost with multiple new town employees. Black is beautiful and so too is White, Asian and all other races and creeds. Let us rise up together against hare brained liberals rampaging through our childrens minds while picking our pockets.
I strongly support this position and the School Committee’s approval to create it. This is not “brainwashing” or “politically motivated nonsense.” It’s ensuring that students in our public schools gain the correct knowledge of U.S. history and learn to embody the values that will prepare them for future success. It’s disappointing that there are people in Watertown who can’t recognize this. Maybe you would benefit from partaking in some antiracist curriculum.
I completely agree.
The bullying and the administration’s response to it was BAD…before it got on the news.
Part of the goal of a school is to teach children to treat ALL people equally, regardless of their skin color, language, heritage, or ableness.
That wasn’t happening, so they’re hiring someone to make sure it does.
Makes perfect sense to me.
If the School Department has money to waste on indoctrination and that’s what this is, no matter the guise, then clearly there is no reason to trust them with “override” money to build a new high school.
Yes we need a new high school. I was perfectly ready to vote for and support an override. But not when I see the School Department wasting money on this garbage and when I see the other spending priorities some a proposing.
Time to totally privatize Education.
This has nothing to do with liberal or conservative politics. It has to do with the school department and WPD mishandling student bullying concerns and allegations of racial profiling. The whole situation blew up with the story that broke on Fox 25 making the town of Watertown look stupid, insensitive and incompetent. Watertown should be ashamed that the various department heads do a poor job of training, coaching and yes, disciplining their subordinates, when they violate the public trust and dismiss the people’s concerns. I am disgusted by the overall poor leadership of this town and the reactive way in which it operates. And, it ends up costing me more of my hard earned money.
When will the parents receive a detailed listing of the curriculum and changes to it?
Crazy you are all being lied too. The superintendent admitted to union Lawyer of not being in compliance with laws after I blew the whistle. President Of Union is in administration pocket I had to go above her (Debra King now
retired and she made sure to put language into contract that retirees can continue in their position as Union Representative, Crazy if you do not live or work in the City or Town. In Administration pocket. We need to protect our students,staff and anyone entering our documented sick buildings.
Many comments above are correct, this position is being put in place because of a brave Middle School student that went to a television station and reported her story. The leaders of Watertown need to be held accountable they have been documented on covering up, no transparency , breaking laws and not protecting our community. We need to clean house they are the biggest bullies and racist we have already exposed their behaviors that prove it.
Look into how many staff of diversity have either been bullied, treated outrageous or outright fired for no reason, other than speaking up or refusing to be corrupt as their bosses want them to be.
Stand Strong Unite hold our current leaders accountable for all their deliberate behaviors that have included disgraceful behaviors from adults. These leaders should be doing their jobs, protecting all. They have been allowed too breaking the laws and lying. I have no tolerance for their behavior and know they will continue unless they are held accountable.
Mary Russo