The Town of Watertown has declared a snow emergency, which prohibits parking on public streets. The Town of Watertown announced other delays due to the impending snow storm that will hit the Watertown area from late Wednesday to late Thursday.
The Nor’easter could drop a foot of snow or more the Boston area. The WBZ Channel 4 forecast puts Watertown square in the 10-16 inch band. The heaviest snowfall will be between 2 a.m. and 10 a.m. on Thursday and will continue through about 4 p.m.
Snow Emergency
The Superintendent of Public Works is declared a Snow Emergency effective 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2020. It will remain in effect until the DPW announces the end of the emergency.
“On street parking is banned and any motor vehicle left on the street is subject to towing,” the announcement said.
People are also asked to clear snow from the sidewalks in front of their homes. The DPW also encouraged to clear fire hydrants and catch basins in their areas, and to check on the elderly population in their neighborhood.
Further up-dates will be posted on the Town of Watertown’s website at: www.watertown-ma.gov and the DPW Website at: www.watertowndpw.org
Closures and Delays in Watertown
The Watertown Schools will be closed on Thursday, Dec. 17 due to the storm, School officials announced. The District offices will also be closed.
WPS will be closed tomorrow, December 17, due to the incoming storm. All in-person and remote learning is canceled for tomorrow. This closure includes school and district offices. The snowfall looks to be significant, so stay safe, stay warm, and enjoy the fun of a snow day! — Watertown Schools (@watertownschool) December 16, 2020
As a result of the snow emergency, the Town of Watertown announced a one-day delay for trash and recycling for the rest of the week.
The Town also announced late openings for Town Hall and the Watertown Free Public Library. The announcement reads:
Due to predicted snow accumulations, all Town Administrative Offices and the Watertown Free Public Library will have a delayed opening at Noon (12:00pm) on Thursday, December 17th.
Regular business hours are expected to resume on Friday, December 18th. Check the Town of Watertown’s website for updates.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
Business Snow Clearing Rules
The Town of Watertown sent out a reminder to business and commercial property owners of the Town’s Snow Removal Ordinance. Any sidewalk in a business district, or in front of private property used for business purposes, must clear a path at least 36 inches wide.
The snow must be removed two hours after the end of the snowfall, or earlier. Snow should not be thrown into the street or public way. See more details by clicking here.
Students Wanted to Shovel Snow for Seniors
The Watertown Recreation Department is looking for middle and high school students to shovel snow for residents 60 and older. The program is being coordinated in conjunction with the Watertown Council on Aging/Senior Center and the Marshall Home Fund. The students will be responsible for shoveling snow from sidewalks and driveways for the duration of the winter season.
“This year, thanks to generous support from the Marshall Home Fund, students will have an opportunity to earn a stipend by assisting with snow shoveling in their neighborhood,” the announcement said.
Click here for more details: http://recreation.watertown-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/1429/Watertown-Snow-Removal-Program-2020-2021