3 thoughts on “Residents Call for Action to Stop Racial Harassment in Watertown Schools During Forum

  1. We all agree that these incidents are wrong and should not happen.

    But when they do, students who call names or harass should be disciplined by school authorities and their parents informed.

    Let us be realitic though. Children have been calling each other names for all kinds of reasons (their looks, ethnicity, race, religion, clothes, grades, accents, perfume, hairdos, you name it) since time immemorial, just as adults do. It’s never going to end.

    The town and the schools as a whole simply cannot get themselves all worked up every time something of this nature happens. The schools have provided the courses and lectures about these things.

    I think the schools have done more than can be expected of them. You are not going to reform personkind. Incidents will happen.

    I don’t mean to make light of these incidents but, again: discipline the persons responsible and move on.

  2. I have no tolerance for this behavior or hate crimes as a Coordinator of the behavioral school in Watertown SEE program I could always find solutions for positive behavior. This type of behavior is not acceptable and should not be tolerated. These are serious hate crimes pay attention get involved as adults, trusted teachers and administrators it is our duty to protect our community, students and staff.
    Mary Russo retired teacher 34 years
    Feel free to contact me if you need someone to advocate for free I know the laws and what is happening in our Town of Watertown. Be well stay healthy and safe. Happy Holidays and a Happy New year to All! Cell # 617-749-6238

  3. How about parents taking responsibility for their children’s actions and words. They learn it first in the home. Should be taught first in the home. Parents share the blame with their children. Do your job and much of this may disappear.

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