Watertown Eating Institution Starts GoFundMe Effort to Keep Doors Open

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Doug Orifice

Deluxe Town Diner was one of several Watertown restaurants recently approved to have outdoor seating.

Deluxe Town Diner in Coolidge Square.

The owners of Deluxe Town Diner have started an effort to try to raise $100,000 to keep the Coolidge Square institution afloat through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Donors who give $100 or more will get a gift card worth $110 to use at the diner.

Owner Don Levy posted the following information on the GoFundMe.com page:

Our family owned diner, has been serving Watertown area since 1947, the Covid19 pandemic has in big ways Adversely impacted our business,
We survive the 3 months doing take out only, and now its necessary to ask for some help, ” TO KEEP THE DOORS OPEN”.  Due to restrictions we  are only  able to service, “less than half of our customers”.  We are asking our loyal customers and friends to donate, and to also buy future food at the diner gift card.

$100 cash payment, we will issue $110 in diner card to be used now and in the future , when we are back to the normal. all donations are grateful and appreciated, as  well all the gift cards purchased.

thank you all Don & Daryl.

To see the Deluxe Town Diner GoFundMe page and to find out how to donate, click here

13 thoughts on “Watertown Eating Institution Starts GoFundMe Effort to Keep Doors Open

  1. We should all get behind the Town Diner. It is a Watertown institution and it is hard to imagine Coolidge Square without it. There are also other Coolidge eateries that are worthy of support. Hopefully the Square will remain a food destination after the virus subsides. The food scene is part of what makes the East End a great place to live.

  2. Town Diner is yet another victim, along with its employees, of what should be called The Great Covid Panic.

    Other victims are the students of all ages who are barely learning anything online nowadays, people who have become socially isolated and/or suicidal/depressed, lowered income, lack of family support since travel is difficult, people dying without loved ones around, and inability to pay bills.

    Other victims are people who have serious diseases that are not being diagnosed. Proof? Please see this Webmd article: “Cancer Diagnoses Drop, COVID Drives Down Screenings”:


    Of course, there are people who are saying, “Oh, no big deal,” as if the costs of The Great Covid Panic don’t matter.

  3. Oh, D & D… I am glad we can afford to support you! We’re lucky that we have been able to work from home, and lucky to have you in our town. Donation coming!

  4. Don and the Town Diner, Deb and I are buying a $100 gift card. We love the town diner! The covid is changing so much, we salute all your hard work and your excellent food. The town diner is a center piece of the community! With affection, Steffen

  5. TD can’t go anywhere… where else am I gonna get my Pastrami Reuben on rye?
    will donate and will let my whole clan know about it…
    way too many memories to be a bystander..

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