10 thoughts on “Watertown Schools Moving to Hybrid on Oct. 27

  1. There are clearly two schools of thought, both which I respect, with regard to when the Watertown Public Schools should open. That said, I strongly support the Watertown School Committee and Superintendent’s decision to create a safe environment for our students, staff, their families and our community as a whole. In my opinion, the Department of Educations recent letter stating that they will audit Watertown and Longmeadow for failing to open soon enough is political, at best. I am conflicted by why major companies restrict employees from coming back to work, weddings and funerals are limited in attendance but it is ok to send hundreds of students and teachers back to school when Covid 19 positive tests increased to 986 today statewide. These are numbers which support a second surge of Covid 19, as predicted by health experts months ago.
    Again , I understand that my opinion is in the minority, while our Town turns from Green to Yellow due to the beginning of the second surge of Covid-19 I our state, but I note that Waltham is Red (ie. where the Cunniff Students will attend their temporary school while their new school is built) and Boston (ie. which includes our immediate neighbors in Brighton) is also Red. This begs the question of whether Watertown will be effected negatively by proximity to almost half our neighboring cities being Red? Personally, I hope that Watertown remains a safe place to live and work and that all our students, staff and their families remain safe and healthy.

    • Your speaking on emotions. Other states have sent kids back with no issue. It is their best interest to return to school , if your in the at risk group stay home! Safe from what a virus that is highly contagious and a one percent mortality!

      • Regardless of if you want kids to go or not go to school she certainly is not making her statements by only ‘emotions’ given she is stating facts and asking decent questions. Sounds like your statement is more on opinion or driven by emotion.

    • Bravo! I’ve been thinking the same things.I am a retired teacher and the grandmother of a Watertown student who is doing extremely will with online learning.

  2. Is Watertown considering making Wed.the day when no students are in the building ? Cohort A Monday and Tuesday. Wed. would be a day to disinfect the school thoroughly . Cohort B Thursday and Friday. Sat. to disinfect the school again. This has been elsewhere and makes sense to me.

  3. Entering into a hybrid now makes very little sense and seems very irresponsible. The covid numbers are ticking up almost everywhere. Watertown should have been in school in a hybrid that first week in September but instead held off and waited.

    The blame is not only on the superintendent but also on the School Committee, Town Manager and especially the Teachers Union. The teachers union had way too much influence in the decision making and that should not have been allowed.

    Now we are entering what looks like the second wave of the virus and now the schools are planning to open. That’s insane and reckless.

    Parents have every right to be enraged.

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