The following information was provided by the Watertown Senior Center:
Senior Shuttle Update
The Watertown Senior Shuttle Bus is back on the road for grocery shopping. Due to COVID-19, the bus is limited to 4 riders plus the driver. Masks must be worn. Rides are now scheduled by appointment only. Call the Senior Center on Fridays from 8:30 AM to 1 PM to schedule your ride for the following week.
Senior Parking Permits
Please check your expiration date on your senior parking permit and call us to renew over the phone. If you would like to purchase a new permit, call us to schedule a time for a brief appointment at the Senior Center.
Medicare Open Enrollment
The Medicare Open Enrollment period is now until December 7. Call us today to schedule your phone appointment with our SHINE counselor to review your plan and your prescription drug coverage. Premiums, deductibles, co-pays and drugs covered by your plan can change significantly. A different plan could also help to save you money. SHINE (Serving Health Information Needs of Everyone) is a free, confidential service. For more info: (617) 972-6490 The Senior Center staff is happy to assist. Call us with any questions or concern