The following information was provided by the Watertown Farmers Market:
The Watertown Farmers’ Market wraps up this week. Last chance to stock up on all your market faves! Support local and keep your pantries and freezers well stocked for the week’s ahead. It’s time to start making your shopping lists and placing preorders for the final market of the 2020 season!
This week’s rotating vendors are Flores de Cafe and We Grow Microgreens. At Flores de Cafe, everything is done on their farm in Colombia including the roasting, grinding, and packaging. This means that the coffee you purchase has gone from the tree to the final product in days (vs. weeks or months for large-scale coffees) and will have the most intense and enjoyable taste and aroma. Pick up a bag of their Colombian coffee beans, whole or ground, and start your morning off right!
We Grow Microgreens, LLC is back with some exciting news! They are now able to accept HIP directly from SNAP recipients. Beautiful and nutritious microgreen mixes, edible flowers, plus a variety of unique plants. Their spiky Lulo plants produce a beautiful orange fruit that are just starting to ripen in their greenhouses! We are grateful for your continued support this season and look forward to seeing you for our last market.
Dick’s Fall CSA Box
Would you like to continue to receive produce boxes from Dick’s Market Gardens after the market ends? Starting in November, Dick’s is offering a fall season produce box to be dropped off twice a month on Tuesday’s to the Watertown Community. Drop off locations will include Saltonstall Park and possibly others. More information can be found in the following flyers: Dick’s CSA Box Program or Dick’s CSA Box Program for SNAP.
The program needs to meet a minimum interest level to go forward. Email Dick’s at dmglunenburg@gmail.com or stop by the Market Manager’s table as soon as possible if you’re interested in signing up!
Watertown Farmers’ Market
Wednesdays 2:30 – 6:00 pm
June 17 – October 14
Rain or Shine
Saltonstall Park
Corner of Main St. & Whites Ave.
(next to Town Hall, 149 Main Street)