The group that will be reviewing and likely proposing changes to the Watertown Charter will hold its first meeting on Oct. 6.
The review of the Home Rule Charter, the document that determines how Watertown’s government works and its structure, takes place every 10 years in years ending in 0. The Charter Review Committee is made up of the nine Town Councilors and six residents appointed by the Town Council President.
The meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 6 at 6 p.m. and will be conducted remotely by computer.
The meeting’s agenda includes a swearing in of committee members, a discussion of the Charter Review process with attorney Lauren Goldberg of KP Law, and scheduling future meetings.
The public may join the virtual meeting online at https://watertown–ma.zoom.us/j/96419264286
Or they can join the virtual meeting audio only by phone: (877) 853-5257 or (888) 475-4499 (Toll Free) and enter Webinar ID: 964 1926 4286#
Members of the public may also comment through email: vpiccirilli@watertown-ma.gov
The meeting will also be broadcast by Watertown Cable Access Television on RCN Channel 13, Comcast Channel 99 or online by clicking here.
A citizen group will also be discussing the Charter Review process. Watertown Forward will hold its first meeting on Saturday, Oct. 3 at 3 p.m. (See the story below for more information).
Who are the members being considered for this appointed charter group?
The names of the 6 citizen committee members have not been released and it is now only two days before they meet to decide the next 10 years of Watertown Government. Is this OK with you? It is my understanding that the community committee members are hand-picked from those who apply by the council president only. Why do we still not know who will represent us? People, if you feel, as I do, that the Charter Review should be postponed until the public has known the names of the citizen committee members for at least a month, please speak up!
We’ve been asking for transparency and communication from our government for decades, and lack of transparency and community input into this very important Charter Review/decision-making process is appalling to me. Charter Review is a once in 10 years opportunity to go over our form of government and decide if we want it to continue it, adjust it, or choose a new form of government. We need to get it done right or get more of the same for the next 10 years.
Anyone else think this meeting must be postponed until the public has access to the names of the hand-picked committee for a month? Since there are so few representing somany in this process, I think we need to know who they will be and they need to hear from us about what, if any, changes we’d like to see.
The current form of government in Watertown is outdated. Watertown needs a mayor now, we can’t wait 10 more years.