Watertown’s Eastern Clothing will be holding its biggest sale of the year on the weekend of Sept. 25-27, with discounts of up to 50 percent.
Get deals on suits, sports coats, business casual wear and accessories during the end of summer sale.
Book an appointment by calling 617-924-8240, sending an email to john.m@easternclothing.com, or just stop by the store at 76 Coolidge Hill Road, Watertown (off Arlington Street).
As an added bonus, if you show you receipt from an Eastern Clothing purchase at three local restaurants, you can receive a special discount, said co-owner John M. Airasian.
“My thought was for people to be able to support a few local businesses over the course of six weeks,” Airasian said. “Being able to use our digital receipt multiple times at different places to stay local, support local and save in the process.”
Donohue’s – Show receipt from Eastern Clothing 3-day sale between Sept. 26 and Oct. 10 and receive 20 percent off your entire bill! Offer valid once over the promotion dates stated.
The Diner at North Beacon – Show receipt from Eastern Clothing 3-day sale between Oct. 10 to Oct. 24 and receive 20 percent off your entire bill! Offer valid once over the promotion dates stated.
Ritcey East – Show receipt from Eastern Clothing 3-day sale between Oct. 24 and Nov. 7 and receive a free order of Pretzels or Onion Ring appetizer with your purchase of a meal! Offer valid once over the promotion dates stated.
Great clothing, great clothing store, John A.is a good Watertown merchants.